The Canada Community-Building Fund

The Canada Community-Building Fund provides permanent and stable funding for local infrastructure

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AMO administers the Fund to 443 municipalities in Ontario. Funding is provided by the Government of Canada.

Canadian municipalities receive over $2.4 billion from the Canada Community-Building Fund (formerly known as the federal Gas Tax Fund) each year; Ontario's share is over $900 million. Funds are distributed to communities across the province on a per-capita basis.

Since its launch in 2005, municipalities receiving CCBF funds through AMO have invested over $10 billion from the Fund into about 14,000 local projects. Funds can be invested across 18 project categories to promote economic growth, strengthen communities, and improve the environment.

Updates & Profiles

• Project Profiles
The Town of Newmarket is investing a total of $560,000 of CCBF funds in renovations and retrofits of their historic Mulock house. Planning to open in 2026, the project will convert the
• Project Profiles
A $45,000 CCBF investment allowed the Town of Evanturel with completing an Asset Management Plan and meet provincial legislative requirements. The town recognized the need to have an
• Project Profiles
The City of Welland invested nearly $1.6 million of CCBF funds into completely reconstructing its 60-year-old community pool at Memorial Park. Some added amenities include four 50m swim
• Project Profiles
Significant upgrades at the Town of Hearst’s recreation centre will vastly improve the user experience for the community’s 4,800 residents. The Town invested $140,000 from the CCBF into
• Project Profiles
The Municipality of Chatham-Kent has developed an active transportation trail to connect multiple communities together with the help of an $840,000 CCBF investment. The project
• Project Profiles
The Municipality of Bluewater has replaced a damaged bridge with the help of a $236,000 CCBF investment. The bridge serves as a vital connecting route for the local agricultural sector