Asset Management Guidance Documents
Asset Management Ontario (AMONTARIO)
Municipal Finance Officers' Association (MFOA)
Federation of Canadian Municipalities
InfraGuide: National guide to sustainable municipal infrastructure
Tool: Starting the Asset Management Conversation in your Municipality
Talking it through: Guide for local government staff on climate adaptation
Integrating Climate Considerations: Governance and Operations
Integrating Climate Considerations: Service Delivery Planning
Tool: Assess flood risk and develop sustainable management plans
Tip Sheet: Owning the products developed with an asset management consultant
Tip Sheet: Ensuring continuation of asset management once consultant services are complete
Asset Management British Columbia
Asset Management for Sustainable Service Delivery - A BC Framework
Climate Change and Asset Management - A Sustainable Service Delivery Planner
Municipal natural assets initiative (MNAI)
Integrating Asset Management & Climate Change – A Path Forward
Data Collection Standard Operating Procedure Guide for Linear Assets
Asset management software
Institute of Asset Management (IAM)
Subject Specific Guidelines: Asset Management Policy, Strategy and Plans
Subject Specific Guidelines: Asset Information, Strategy, Standards and Data Management
Subject Specific Guidelines: Capital Investment Operation and Maintenance Decision-Making
Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (Ipwea)
Asset Management Basics - Applying Infrastructure Asset Management Principles
Parks Management - Renewal Planning, Valuation and Asset Management Plans