CCBF Celebrated at 2023 AMO Conference

Today in London the CCBF was celebrated on the main stage of the highest ever attended AMO annual conference.

The conference provides an opportunity to share the impact of the CCBF across Ontario with the substantial audience at the plenary programming. This opportunity is dedicated to the CCBF each year to highlight a handful of projects that advance national objectives, support long-term planning, address local needs, and demonstrate excellence. 

Brief videos showcased each project with stunning visuals that illustrated the impact of the investment on communities. Engaging interviews with municipal staff and elected officials provided additional context and detail. 

The presentation highlighted innovative approaches taken by municipalities in achieving outcomes including boosting productivity and economic growth, promoting a cleaner environment, building capacity for planning and asset management, addressing long-term local needs, as well as other wide-ranging community benefits that meet the diverse needs of residents and businesses.

Several specific projects were highlighted, one being updates to outdated water and wastewater infrastructure in the Township of Stirling-Rawdon. This project contributed to an additional capacity of 500 residential units to its services.

Another was York Region’s fibre internet network growth, allowing for internet service operators to provide faster and more reliable internet to the region’s 1.2 million residents.

Lastly was the investments made by Bruce and Dufferin Counties in electric vehicle charging infrastructure in a collaborative approach to fighting climate change.

The presentation noted that the stable nature of the CCBF gives municipal governments certainty and enables these types of high-priority projects through long-term planning.

The entire event continues to build a strong audience for the CCBF, with traffic to steadily increasing since it was established in 2019. The site is a helpful resource that keeps engagement with the CCBF active year-round. 

An image of a podium with a microphone and banner that reads "Association of Municipalities of Ontario".


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