Historic House Renovated Into Multi-Use Community Facility in Newmarket

The Town of Newmarket is investing a total of $560,000 of CCBF funds in renovations and retrofits of their historic Mulock house.

Planning to open in 2026, the project will convert the house into a 17,000 square foot multi-use community facility including a café, full kitchen, restored library, and a satellite location of the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO).

From 2019 to 2021, the town engaged more than 3,000 residents to share their ideas and visions for the property which led to the development of guiding principles, concept themes, and a final design concept.

The design renews historical character elements of the house, creates new community spaces, and reduces the energy use of the house by more than 50 per cent. As well, the entire facility will be completely accessible with features such as universal washrooms, ramps, and an elevator. Even further, the basement will be deepened to meet modern headroom requirements.

Constructed in 1871, the storied private residence is a key feature of the community that will soon be able to be fully appreciated by the public, serving as a centre for recreation, culture, conservation, and innovation.

A construction site in Newmarket.


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