New Sand Dome in Township of Johnson Helps Road Crews Prepare for Winter Weather
As winter approaches, municipalities and public works crews are preparing for increased road maintenance and severe weather events.
A newly constructed sand dome in the Township of Johnson, funded in-part by the Canada Community-Building Fund, will provide crews quick access to sand and salt when a winter storm hits.
In years past, the Township purchased sand from an off-site Ministry of Transportation location. This meant crews had to travel almost an hour roundtrip to fill their trucks before tending to icy or snowy roads. This travel time, combined with rising costs to purchase the sand on contract with the MTO, prompted the Township to look at alternatives.
In 2024, the Township invested CCBF funding into the construction of a 72 by 120-foot Calhoun sand dome with a cement pad. The dome provides more than enough space to house the 1,000 tonnes of sand and salt used every winter season and is located on-site at the public works garage. Now, crews can load up with sand in less than 10 minutes and be on their way to take care of winter road maintenance.
Aside from saving time, Township staff estimate they save around $25,000 in material costs alone – with more savings to be found in equipment wear and tear and fuel costs. Additionally, the new dome has made it easier to predict an annual sand and salt budget. The municipality places a single order for sand and salt, rather than paying individual invoices for trips made to an off-site dome.
The Township completed this project just in time for the 2024 winter season.