North Bay Breaks Ground on New Recreational Facility

A highly anticipated recreation project is underway in the City of North Bay. 

Construction began in early December 2024 on a new recreation and community centre at the Steve Omischl Sports Field Complex on Lakeshore Drive. This $63 million investment was supported in-part by $9.4 million from the Canada Community-Building Fund. 

This new facility will provide the community with an innovative, accessible and sustainable place for social gatherings and educational opportunities. It includes two ice pads, a spacious community room, a walking track and 14 dressing rooms to accommodate indoor and outdoor activities, making it a year-round facility. 

The design of the new community centre reflects the City’s commitment to environmentally friendly building standards and constructing carbon neutral municipal buildings that save as much – or more – energy than they use.  

The Recreation and Community Centre will be one of the first net carbon zero recreational facilities in Canada. This means it will be environmentally sustainable, energy-efficient, and cost-effective – all while positioning the City to meet future environmental challenges.

The City anticipates the new facility will open August 2026.

A rendering of a community centre with an ice pad.


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