North Frontenac Bridge Rehabilitation Extends Lifespan by 50 Years

The Township of North Frontenac completed the rehabilitation of Coxvale Bridge. This is the first time the bridge had been renovated since its construction.

Coxvale Bridge was initially constructed in 1971 and had not seen any rehabilitation or renovations until 2023. The renovations began during the summer of 2023 and were completed in the fall. The majority of the alterations focused on extending the life of the bridge. This included replacing joints and seals, improving the waterproofing, and removing and replacing ballast walls, among many others. The walking surface was also improved by patching issues with the deck topping slabs. 

With all renovations completed, and with regular maintenance, the Township is very confident that the lifespan of the bridge has been extended by another 50 years. 

A snow covered bridge running over a river.

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