South Dundas Rehabilitates Sidewalks, Making Them Safer and More Accessible

Last year, the Municipality of South Dundas widened almost 1100 square meters of sidewalks, thanks to a $128,000 investment from the Canada Community-Building Fund. 

Public Works widened the sidewalks on Dundas Street, from Caldwell Road to Carmen Road, and on Carmen Road, from Dundas Street to Elizabeth Drive. Over the years, sections of the sidewalk had become uneven, making them less accessible and increasing the risk of trips and falls.

The Municipality rehabilitated the sidewalk by widening it to 1.5 meters. Now, snow removal equipment can safely and adequately clear the  sidewalks, making them safer for residents in winter.

To further improve accessibility, Staff also added tactile walking surface indicators at all pedestrian crossings. The surface indicators are small bumps at the edge of a sidewalk or pathway that convey vital information to individuals with visual impairments through the texture of the bumps. It alerts walkers with visual impairments that they have reached the end of the sidewalk and are at the beginning of the crosswalk, and vice-versa. 

The newly renovated sidewalk


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