Albert Street Reconstruction Solves Major Issues for Temiskaming Shores Residents

The City of Temiskaming Shores recently completed the reconstruction of Albert Street. The work was extensive and involved installing underground water and stormwater infrastructure, repaving a 0.66 km section of the road and widening sidewalks. 

The City invested $119,000 from the Canada Community-Building Fund into the multi-year project. Albert Street’s infrastructure was outdated; there was no storm sewer installed and the watermain didn’t meet the current provincial standard for depth. Additionally, both the sanitary and water mains were more than a century old and were prone to bursting and freezing.  

The City completed a full road reconstruction, including widening the sidewalks enough to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists. Public Works also replaced the original watermains with modern infrastructure that’s more resistant to temperature changes, meaning consistent service for residents and nearby buildings.

Thanks to the CCBF, residents will benefit from improved water services and safer roads and sidewalks, and the City will avoid costly emergency repairs. 

A recently refinished road

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