Bandshell Rehabilitation Gives Guelph Residents a Performance Venue

A bandshell stage in Guelph's Riverside Park has been rehabilitated, thanks in part to the Canada Community-Building Fund.

The Riverside Park Bandshell & Washrooms was a great venue for local artists, but over time the asset had reached the end of its useful life and wasn’t accessible. The pedestrian trails that led to the bandshell, the stage, and washrooms also didn't meet accessibility standards. City of Guelph Public Works solved these issues by creating new accessible trails that connected the bandshell to the existing trails and amenities, and redesigning the stage and washroom from the ground up. 

Riverside Park has always attracted a lively artistic community, and the City of Guelph is proud to have a venue where artists can elevate their performances and attract larger crowds.

The bandshell and the surrounding area

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