Red Rock Invests in Water Treatment Plant Equipment Rehabilitation and Upgrades

Multiple projects are underway at the Township of Red Rock’s water treatment plant, which will provide much-needed replacements and updates of key pieces of equipment and infrastructure. These projects improve access to uninterrupted clean drinking water supply for residents and businesses.

Red Rock invested $200,000 in CCBF funding for the projects, which are planned to be completed in 2026. This funding is helping to make significant upgrades that extend the useful life of equipment and facilities as well as reduce the risk of plant failure.

One key upgrade being made is the electrical and metering systems in the plant generator which will ensure continuous power for operations. Upgrades are also being made to the high lift pump, clarifier system, and UV units to improve filtration in the plant.

A significant part of the project that has already been completed is an upgraded section of the raw water intake pipe leading from Lake Superior to the clarifier unit. PVC piping replaced existing steel which was outdated and risking corrosion, leaks, and failure if not replaced.

Every part of the plant is essential, but this section in particular is important because without it there would be no water coming into the plant to treat.

While these improvements may not be directly visible to residents, they are necessary to ensure the community has access to safe and clean drinking water every day.

A pipe in a water treatment facility


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