Updates & Profiles

• Announcements

This is the newest category added to the Canada Community-Building Fund, added in 2021. As such, there currently aren’t any examples of investments, but there are expected to be...

• Project Profiles

The City of Sault Ste. Marie allocated its 2021 contributions from the Canada Community-Building Fund into the reconstruction of Third Line East. 

With support from the CCBF, the City...

• Project Profiles

A brand-new dock will provide better service to residents and tourists sailing along the Wabigoon River in Dryden.

The City recently installed a newer and sturdier dock along Victoria...

• Project Profiles

A well-used roadway in the Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands got a significant overhaul last year thanks to investments from the Canada Community-Building Fund.

Junetown Road...

• Announcements

Natural disasters are a phenomenon that all municipalities should be prepared for. That’s why the Canada Community-Building Fund helps communities invest in disaster mitigation.
