Breadcrumb Home / Updates & Profiles Municipality Addington Highlands, Township ofAdelaide Metcalfe, Township ofAdjala-Tosorontio, Township ofAdmaston/Bromley, Township ofAjax, Town ofAlberton, Township ofAlfred and Plantagenet, Township ofAlgonquin Highlands, Township ofAlnwick/Haldimand, Township ofAmaranth, Township ofAmherstburg, Town ofArmour, Township ofArmstrong, Township ofArnprior, Town ofArran-Elderslie, Municipality ofAshfield-Colborne-Wawanosh, Township ofAsphodel-Norwood, Township ofAssiginack, Township ofAthens, Township ofAtikokan, Town ofAugusta, Township ofAurora, Town ofAylmer, Town ofBaldwin, Township ofBancroft, Town ofBarrie, City ofBayham, Municipality ofBeckwith, Township ofBelleville, City ofBillings, Township ofBlack River-Matheson, Township ofBlandford-Blenheim, Township ofBlind River, Town ofBluewater, Municipality ofBonfield, Township ofBonnechere Valley, Township ofBracebridge, Town ofBradford West Gwillimbury, Town ofBrampton, City ofBrant, County ofBrantford, City ofBrethour, Township ofBrighton, Municipality ofBrock, Township ofBrockton, Municipality ofBrockville, City ofBrooke-Alvinston, Municipality ofBruce Mines, Town ofBruce, County ofBrudenell, Lyndoch and Raglan, Township ofBurk's Falls, Village ofBurlington, City ofBurpee and Mills, Township ofCaledon, Town ofCallander, Municipality ofCalvin, Municipality ofCambridge, City ofCarleton Place, Town ofCarling, Township ofCarlow/Mayo, Township ofCasey, Township ofCasselman, Municipality ofCavan Monaghan, Township ofCentral Elgin, Municipality ofCentral Frontenac, Township ofCentral Huron, Municipality ofCentral Manitoulin, Municipality ofCentre Hastings, Municipality ofCentre Wellington, Township ofChamberlain, Township ofChamplain, Township ofChapleau, Township ofChapple, Township ofCharlton and Dack, Municipality ofChatham-Kent, Municipality ofChatsworth, Township ofChisholm, Township ofClarence-Rockland, City ofClarington, Municipality ofClearview, Township ofCobalt, Town ofCobourg, Town ofCochrane, Town ofCockburn Island, Township ofColeman, Township ofCollingwood, Town ofConmee, Township ofCornwall, City ofCramahe, Township ofDawn-Euphemia, Township ofDawson, Township ofDeep River, Town ofDeseronto, Town ofDorion, Township ofDouro-Dummer, Township ofDrummond/North Elmsley, Township ofDryden, City ofDubreuilville, Township ofDufferin, County ofDurham, Regional Municipality ofDutton/Dunwich, Municipality ofDysart Et Al, Municipality ofEar Falls, Township ofEast Ferris, Municipality ofEast Garafraxa, Township ofEast Gwillimbury, Town ofEast Hawkesbury, Township ofEast Zorra-Tavistock, Township ofEdwardsburgh/Cardinal, Township ofElgin, County ofElizabethtown-Kitley, Township ofElliot Lake, City ofEmo, Township ofEnglehart, Town ofEnniskillen, Township ofErin, Town ofEspanola, Town ofEssa, Township ofEssex, County ofEssex, Town ofEvanturel, Township ofFaraday, Township ofFauquier-Strickland, Township ofFort Erie, Town ofFort Frances, Town ofFrench River, Municipality ofFront of Yonge, Township ofFrontenac Islands, Township ofFrontenac, County ofGananoque, Separated Town ofGauthier, Township ofGeorgian Bay, Township ofGeorgian Bluffs, Township ofGeorgina, Town ofGillies, Township ofGoderich, Town ofGordon/Barrie Island, Municipality ofGore Bay, Town ofGrand Valley, Town ofGravenhurst, Town ofGreater Madawaska, Township ofGreater Napanee, Town ofGreater Sudbury, City ofGreenstone, Municipality ofGrey Highlands, Municipality ofGrey, County ofGrimsby, Town ofGuelph, City ofGuelph/Eramosa, Township ofHaldimand, County ofHaliburton, County ofHalton Hills, Town ofHalton, Region ofHamilton, City ofHamilton, Township ofHanover, Town ofHarley, Township ofHarris, Township ofHastings Highlands, Municipality ofHastings, County ofHavelock-Belmont-Methuen, Township ofHawkesbury, Town ofHead, Clara & Maria, United Townships ofHearst, Town ofHighlands East, Municipality ofHilliard, Township ofHilton Beach, Village ofHilton, Township ofHornepayne, Township ofHorton, Township ofHowick, Township ofHudson, Township ofHuntsville, Town ofHuron East, Municipality ofHuron Shores, Municipality ofHuron, County ofHuron-Kinloss, Township ofIgnace, Township ofIngersoll, Town ofInnisfil, Town ofIroquois Falls, Town ofJames, Township ofJocelyn, Township ofJohnson, Township ofJoly, Township ofKapuskasing, Town ofKawartha Lakes, City ofKearney, Town ofKenora, City ofKerns, Township ofKillaloe, Hagarty & Richards, Township ofKillarney, Municipality ofKincardine, Municipality ofKing, Township ofKingston, City ofKingsville, Town ofKirkland Lake, Town ofKitchener, City ofLa Vallee, Township ofLaird, Township ofLake of Bays, Township ofLake of the Woods, Township ofLakeshore, Municipality ofLambton Shores, Municipality ofLambton, County ofLanark Highlands, Township ofLanark, County ofLarder Lake, Township ofLaSalle, Town ofLatchford, Town ofLaurentian Hills, Town ofLaurentian Valley, Township ofLeamington, Municipality ofLeeds & Grenville, United Counties ofLeeds and the Thousand Islands, Township ofLennox & Addington, County ofLimerick, Township ofLincoln, Town ofLondon, City ofLoyalist, Township ofLucan Biddulph, Township ofMacDonald, Meredith & Aberdeen Add'l, Township ofMachar, Township ofMachin, Municipality ofMadawaska Valley, Township ofMadoc, Township ofMagnetawan, Municipality ofMalahide, Township ofManitouwadge, Township ofMapleton, Township ofMarathon, Town ofMarkham, City ofMarkstay-Warren, Municipality ofMarmora and Lake, Municipality ofMatachewan, Township ofMattawa, Town ofMattawan, Municipality ofMattice - Val Cote, Township ofMcDougall, Municipality ofMcGarry, Township ofMcKellar, Township ofMcMurrich/Monteith, Township ofMcNab/Braeside, Township ofMeaford, Municipality ofMelancthon, Township ofMerrickville-Wolford, Village ofMiddlesex Centre, Municipality ofMiddlesex, County ofMidland, Town ofMilton, Town ofMinden Hills, Township ofMinto, Town ofMississauga, City ofMississippi Mills, Municipality ofMono, Town ofMontague, Township ofMoonbeam, Township ofMoosonee, Town ofMorley, Township ofMorris-Turnberry, Municipality ofMulmur, Township ofMuskoka Lakes, Township ofMuskoka, District Municipality ofNairn & Hyman, Township ofNeebing, Municipality ofNew Tecumseth, Town ofNewbury, Village ofNewmarket, Town ofNiagara Falls, City ofNiagara, Region ofNiagara-on-the-Lake, Town ofNipigon, Township ofNipissing, Township ofNorfolk, County ofNorth Algona Wilberforce, Township ofNorth Bay, City ofNorth Dumfries, Township ofNorth Dundas, Township ofNorth Frontenac, Township ofNorth Glengarry, Township ofNorth Grenville, Municipality ofNorth Huron, Township ofNorth Kawartha, Township ofNorth Middlesex, Municipality ofNorth Perth, Municipality ofNorth Stormont, Township ofNortheastern Manitoulin and the Islands, Town ofNorthern Bruce Peninsula, Municipality ofNorthumberland, County ofNorwich, Township ofOakville, Town ofO'Connor, Township ofOil Springs, Village ofOliver-Paipoonge, Municipality ofOpasatika, Township ofOrangeville, Town ofOrillia, City ofOro-Medonte, Township ofOshawa, City ofOtonabee-South Monaghan, Township ofOttawa, City ofOwen Sound, City ofOxford, County ofPapineau-Cameron, Township ofParry Sound, Town ofPeel, Region ofPelee, Township ofPelham, Town ofPembroke, City ofPenetanguishene, Town ofPerry, Township ofPerth East, Township ofPerth South, Township ofPerth, County ofPerth, Town ofPetawawa, Town ofPeterborough, City ofPeterborough, County ofPetrolia, Town ofPickering, City ofPickle Lake, Township ofPlummer Additional, Township ofPlympton-Wyoming, Town ofPoint Edward, Village ofPort Colborne, City ofPort Hope, Municipality ofPowassan, Municipality ofPrescott & Russell, United Counties ofPrescott, Town ofPrince Edward, County ofPrince, Township ofPuslinch, Township ofQuinte West, City ofRainy River, Town ofRamara, Township ofRed Lake, Municipality ofRed Rock, Township ofRenfrew, County ofRenfrew, Town ofRichmond Hill, City ofRideau Lakes, Township ofRussell, Township ofRyerson, Township ofSables-Spanish Rivers, Township ofSarnia, City ofSaugeen Shores, Town ofSault Ste. Marie, City ofSchreiber, Township ofScugog, Township ofSeguin, Township ofSelwyn, Township ofSevern, Township ofShelburne, Town ofShuniah, Municipality ofSimcoe, County ofSioux Lookout, Municipality ofSioux Narrows-Nestor Falls, Township ofSmiths Falls, Town ofSmooth Rock Falls, Town ofSouth Algonquin, Township ofSouth Bruce Peninsula, Town ofSouth Bruce, Municipality ofSouth Dundas, Municipality ofSouth Frontenac, Township ofSouth Glengarry, Township ofSouth Huron, Municipality ofSouth River, Village ofSouth Stormont, Township ofSouthgate, Township ofSouthwest Middlesex, Municipality ofSouth-West Oxford, Township ofSouthwold, Township ofSpanish, Town ofSpringwater, Township ofSt. Catharines, City ofSt. Charles, Municipality ofSt. Clair, Township ofSt. Joseph, Township ofSt. Marys, Town ofSt. Thomas, City ofStirling-Rawdon, Township ofStone Mills, Township ofStormont, Dundas & Glengarry, United Counties ofStratford, City ofStrathroy-Caradoc, Municipality ofStrong, Township ofSundridge, Village ofTarbutt, Township ofTay Valley, Township ofTay, Township ofTecumseh, Town ofTehkummah, Township ofTemagami, Municipality ofTemiskaming Shores, City ofTerrace Bay, Township ofThames Centre, Municipality ofThe Archipelago, Township ofThe Blue Mountains, Town ofThe Nation, Municipality ofThe North Shore, Township ofThessalon, Town ofThornloe, Village ofThorold, City ofThunder Bay, City ofTillsonburg, Town ofTimmins, City ofTiny, Township ofToronto, City ofTrent Hills, Municipality ofTrent Lakes, Municipality ofTudor & Cashel, Township ofTweed, Municipality ofTyendinaga, Township ofUxbridge, Township ofVal Rita-Harty, Township ofVaughan, City ofWainfleet, Township ofWarwick, Township ofWasaga Beach, Town ofWaterloo, City ofWaterloo, Region ofWawa, Municipality ofWelland, City ofWellesley, Township ofWellington North, Township ofWellington, County ofWest Elgin, Municipality ofWest Grey, Municipality ofWest Lincoln, Township ofWest Nipissing, Municipality ofWest Perth, Municipality ofWestport, Village ofWhitby, Town ofWhitchurch-Stouffville, Town ofWhite River, Township ofWhitestone, Municipality ofWhitewater Region, Township ofWilmot, Township ofWindsor, City ofWollaston, Township ofWoodstock, City ofWoolwich, Township ofYork, Regional Municipality ofZorra, Township of Category Broadband connectivityBrownfield redevelopmentCapacity-buildingCommunity energy systemsCultureDrinking waterFire stationsLocal roads and bridgesPublic transitRecreationRegional and local airportsResilienceShort-line railShort-sea shippingSolid wasteSportsTourismWastewater Date This YearLast Year Kenora’s Park Street Gets An Overhaul February 05, 2021 • Project Profiles The City of Kenora has rehabilitated a major roadway thanks to support from the Canada Community-Building Fund. Park Street in the City has been improved with new pavement, curbs and... Kincardine Upgrades Equipment at Tiverton Water Tower February 05, 2021 • Project Profiles The Municipality of Kincardine invested CCBF funding in upgrades to a water tower in the community of Tiverton. Tiverton standpipe required pump upgrades to replace aging equipment and... Arena Roof Surface Replacement in Wellesley February 04, 2021 • Project Profiles Wellesley Arena in the Township of Wellesley is a busy community facility, home to an ice rink, fitness centre, skate park, meeting rooms and more. The arena is more than 40 years old... Rehabilitation of Lakeshore Drive in Madawaska Valley February 02, 2021 • Project Profiles The Township of Madawaska Valley invested CCBF funds in improving access to its waterfront area. Lakeshore Drive’s road surface was replaced, and landscaping around the construction... Pelham’s Road Improvements January 29, 2021 • Project Profiles Support from the Canada Community-Building Fund is helping the Town of Pelham to reconstruct a busy roadway. The Pelham Street Reconstruction Project includes a new storm drainage... Pagination First page First Page Previous page Previous Page … Page 62 Page 63 Page 64 Page 65 Current page 66 Page 67 Page 68 Page 69 Page 70 … Next page Next Page Last page Last Page