Broadband Connectivity

Eligible Projects

Projects eligible for Canada Community-Building funding under this category are those that result in the construction, material enhancement or renewal of infrastructure that provides internet access to residents, businesses, and/or institutions in Canadian communities.


Eligible projects under this category include (but are not limited to):

  • Technologies such as fiber optics, wireless, cable, DSL and satellite;
  • Laying fibre optic cable to bring broadband Internet access to a community;
  • Installing servers, towers, repeaters, and other elements of an Internet backbone;
  • Installing receivers, dishes, and other assets to expand satellite capacity (such as terminals for community use); and
  • Laying fibre optic cable to connect households, businesses, and institutions to an Internet backbone.

Investment to date

[Please enable JavaScript to see this information]. Check out our annual reports to learn more about the investment of Canada Community-Building funds.

The figures above include Canada Community-Building investments made by all municipalities - except for the City of Toronto, which reports investments directly to the Government of Canada. Visit Toronto's website to learn more about the City's investments.