Community Energy Systems


Eligible Projects

Projects eligible for Canada Community-Building funding under this category are those that result in the construction, material enhancement or renewal of infrastructure that generates energy or increases energy efficiency.


Eligible projects under this category include (but are not limited to):

  • Reinforcement, expansion of existing and/or construction of new transmission grids to transmit clean electricity, including smart grid technologies, solar panels;
  • Renewable Electricity Generation facilities;
  • Thermal heat/cooling delivery system using renewable or combined heat/power plants;
  • Projects for new or material rehabilitation or expansion of carbon transmission and storage infrastructure;
  • Fixed electric vehicle infrastructure;
  • Use of natural infrastructure, such as natural vegetation for stormwater drainage, green roofs for insulation and reduced energy use, and trees for natural shading and cooling; and
  • Installing energy-efficient lighting and heating systems.

Investment to date

[Please enable JavaScript to see this information]. Check out our annual reports to learn more about the investment of Canada Community-Building funds.

The figures above include Canada Community-Building investments made by all municipalities - except for the City of Toronto, which reports investments directly to the Government of Canada. Visit Toronto's website to learn more about the City's investments.