Eligible Projects
Projects eligible for Canada Community-Building funding under this category are those that result in the construction, material enhancement or renewal of infrastructure that supports the arts, humanities, and heritage.
Eligible projects under this category include (but are not limited to):
- Construction or expansion of museums, libraries or archives;
- Construction of facilities for the creation, production and/or presentation of the arts;
- Aboriginal Friendship centres and Youth Centres;
- Indigenous arts centres;
- Indigenous traditional/ceremonial rooms or spaces;
- Construction and management of trails for preserving Indigenous traditions, including hunting and fishing;
- Centres to help commemorate residential school survivors;
- Building theatres and performing arts centres.
Investment to date
[Please enable JavaScript to see this information]. Check out our annual reports to learn more about the investment of Canada Community-Building funds.
The figures above include Canada Community-Building investments made by all municipalities - except for the City of Toronto, which reports investments directly to the Government of Canada. Visit Toronto's website to learn more about the City's investments.